Thursday, June 9, 2011


i was just telling mr t, that probably, deep in our hearts, we secretly adore crappy movies. everytime we try to decide to watch a movie, we always end up watching sh**ty, b movies.sometimes the movie that we want to watch is not yet released or is not shown here.sometimes the timing just does not match with our schedule, etc. etc.

so tonight, instead of watching the latest in the "pirates of the carribean" series, we ended up watching "hangover 2." it did not help that we haven't seen "hangover 1." but it helped that we were seated in "premier business class" seats.yes, we seriously paid good money to sit on reclining seats with blanket and pillow services (plus your food gets delivered to your seat!) to watch a bad movie.

but you know what, we laughed so much.the movie was so bad it was good.uh-huh.totally contradictory.

the last movie that we watched was "drive angry" (on 3d!) starring nicholas cage.we did not have a clue what it was all about, but we spent the entire time watching it, either laughing so hard or just being gobsmacked by the er, sheer oddity of it.

so i'm sure we'll watch all these other big-budget and popular films on a tiny screen onboard a plane.

but we'll still keep on watching silly movies on expensive movie theatres.

because hey, that's just one of our little quirks.

so, mr t, here's to more a**-kickin' movies in our lives!

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