Sunday, November 25, 2012


our weeks of potty-training had paid off! yes, you read that correctly -weeks.i know some parents probably did it successfully in a few days, but our baby took her time.

it's been almost a week since she started going to the potty on her own, alerting us if she wants to make wee-wee.and it's the third day now that she's making poo-poo (sorry for the toddler language) in the toilet.oh we are so happy! she only wears nappies only at night now.oh, our baby is really growing up.

and just a snippet of our daily conversation:

me: baby, do you want to invite anyone to your party?
baby: yes, B-I-N-G-O! (as in spell out pa ha)
hahahaha! (For the clueless - Bingo is the dog's name in a popular nursery rhyme)


this is how i see my lil' one.kyot and feisty!

Saturday, November 3, 2012


i think our baby is witty :-)

aunty j (looking at baby's watch): what time is it?
baby:  time to go out!


me: please say pardon, instead of "what?"
baby: who is pardon?


and my favorite...

baby (to me): i want to love you.

