Monday, August 29, 2011

things i'm grateful for: road trip! (bavaria)

i can vaguely remember our few days in munich as i think i just slept most of the time! was drizzling and the skies were dark.sometimes when the sun would peep out, we would head out to the playground near oma and opa's house.

i loved this playground! everything was mostly made in wood.not a plastic in sight! and i was not the only one who fell in love with just went ga-ga over it.

we also had our daily dose of bavarian food courtesy of oma.thank god she did not tire out from feeding three hungry mouths!

mr t's friend, t, invited us over for a day trip to his parents' cabin house in a bavarian hill.

oh wow.thankfully, the weather was wonderful when we headed out to the mountains.

f's lovely family - his wife k and 2 kids f and j were delightful

remember them?

k let me borrow a pair of her sneakers (so kind of her!) as of course, i did not bring a pair with me.i brought a pair of sandals! huh! i never get it right.

it was supposed to be summer in germany.

and when you tell a filipina girl that it's summer, she takes with her a pair of rubber slippers and sandals and denim shorts and sleveless shirts.

summer is not supposed to be 12 degrees.

anyway, that's germany.i should have learned my lesson from previous trips!

we took a walk on this trail and passed by cows in pastures and (baby and everyone else, except me) threw pebbles by a stream.

it was such a wonderful saw a herd of cows for the first time.
she saw a stream for the first time.she saw thick, beautiful pine trees.

we went back to munich energized and refreshed.

then, we played a lot in oma's garden and baby drank milk like there's no tomorrow.!

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