Sunday, September 12, 2010

things i'm grateful for: 5 years!

so our four-day public holiday is about to was fun and oh-so relaxing! on friday, we finally went to il caffe di roma where we had our usual breakfast brunch.ramadan is over, so cafes and restaurants are open once again during the day.yay.

finally, i remember the name of this italian cafe that we often go's called il caffe di roma.

our li'l family went to the usual, baby's expression while in the pool was blank.we brought her water toys, and she just bit them lots.i think there's another tooth coming!

rubber duckie

i was also able to watch one of my favorites old movies, "love story" on

on saturday, my very good friends r and g came by for a visit.they brought a cake from the renaissance hotel and lovely clothes for baby and me.yay.thank you so got "startled" with her visitors. she did not seem to know how to react. haha.

we then went to the talk at movenpick where we stuffed our faces for lunch.haha.thanks, mr t for the treat! r and i are celebrating our 5 year-stay in the years.

i can still remember our plane ride from manila to dubai.we even had a stopover in brunei.we actually went to brunei enroute to dubai! the kingdom left a good impression on would even stop for any pedestrian.too bad we did not have photos as our friend c kept on promising to send them to us.well, he's now back in the philippines so i don't think we would even have any photo memories of brunei! anyway, it was fun and totally random.and, suddenly we landed in dubai.and before we knew it, 5 years had bittersweet and joyous, at the same time...

here's to 5 years, my dearest friend! and thank you, uae for your generosity and opportunities.keep 'em coming.hihi.shukran.


mr t and i went to madinat jumeirah later on.the place was crammed with tourists! i like this mall feel like you are in a real arabian souk (market).


today, i went to satwa and walked around at about 12 noon under the summer sun.i thought i was going to let me tell you about satwa.for me, this is one of the places that every dubai resident/visitor should go to.satwa is a district in dubai that houses diverse also has the most colorful shops can find everything here! from fabrics to beds to second-hand is part of the old dubai, and it's so distinct from the other high-end luxurious places that one associate dubai with.i like's raw and real.


and aside from da-la-ya-ga-ba-pa syllables, baby can now utter "ma-ma." joy.she's also tasted a lot of meat now (with the exception of pork). she can sit by herself and can play on her own.kyot.

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