Saturday, July 24, 2010

baby's milestones

i'm so delayed with my blogging duties, but i just have to write down baby's remarkable milestones so far!

-she has been on solid food since we arrived from munich, two weeks ago.she started off with baby rice, wheat and fruits-flavored cereals, carrots, pears, parsnips, potatoes and sweet potatoes.out of these, she likes pears best.she's so cute.we thought it would be troublesome making her eat her first solid food, but it turned out nice.we propped her up in her high chair, put on a plastic bib and started slowly.she took to it so easily! not as messy as i thought it would, we are excited with introducing her to more stuff - fruits, vegetables, meat.

-she has been "vocalizing" and "talking" a lot! her first discernible syllables: da-di-da-do.she's saying daddy! mr t is so happy.ah anak, remember i carried you for 9 months and had a major operation, so let's not forget ma-mi-ma-mi as well, ok?

-we enrolled her in a baby music and dance class.there's a baby gym,school,play area that opened near our's held for 45 minutes, every tuesday.nanny said baby likes it, eventhough she's the youngest in class! the class has a real band with an actual singer, and they play lots of games like puppet shows, bubbles, etc. so cute.i want to come with her one day when i can get off work on time.

-she has her first tooth coming out!oh, the joy.she's getting a bit cranky as well.i think it's probably because of the tooth trying to come out.her crying sounds strange lately.a lot louder, and more maldita-ish.

-we moved baby to her own room, her nursery.she sleeps from seven-seven.thank god.we normally don't talk (unless we're asked) about this to other parents with babies because we don't want to sound smug.i have colleagues with six-eight month old babies who constantly wake up every two hours.we had this before when baby was a month-two months old.we introduced her to a routine, and she's been sleeping like that parents don't really understand the routine stuff;they still follow the traditinal route of a baby-led schedule.well, the routine is working remarkably for us.i know some other parents scoff at this, but the ones i know who follow the same routine as we do are some of the happiest parents i know.

baby, you are so sweet and so nice.yes, you have your diva moments, but we love you more for that.i hope you will grow up to be well-mannered and polite.

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