Saturday, July 31, 2010


mr t probably got tired of my whining: my neck hurts, my back hurts etc that he finally decided to get me a "work station." we went to ikea last thursday after work.we managed to find this nice chair and desk.before i would just plop the laptop on the couch and type away.

no wonder i'm having neck/shoulder troubles.speaking of which, the physical therapist in our office clinic just called me and said i still have two sessions of therapy.yay.according to her, my insurance called the clinic and told them i still have two pending sessions.well, i don't know how it works, but i immediately booked myself for 2 more (free) massages!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


mr t will be away for 2 days 'cos of i'm here on my own, sulking.spoiled brat! baby is feeling poorly for a few days now 'cos of teething.eww, i don't even want to think of the pain. :-( so yeah, baby and i will miss daddy for 2 days.please, can it be thursday already?

anyway, rewind to what we have been doing since we got back.well, aside from working like a kalabaw...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

baby's milestones

i'm so delayed with my blogging duties, but i just have to write down baby's remarkable milestones so far!

Friday, July 23, 2010

things i'm grateful for: together in germany part 1

mr t and i were like a lovey-dovey couple during our trip in germany.we went out a lot and met his friends.

on this trip, i was grateful for:

Friday, July 16, 2010

things i'm grateful for: baby in germany

during our germany trip, i was grateful for:

-baby sleeping on mr t's crib when he was a was a wooden, simple crib re-painted yellow and red.i fell in love with it right gave me shivers to think that he was sleeping there probably until he was a toddler, and now it was our li'l sweet pea's turn to use it

-baby behaving well onboard on the way to cute.the plane was full of kids and mr t remarked it looked like a was another story though on our way back to abu was behaving strangely on the plane, like she was on a sugar trip.haha.

-baby sleeping remarkably well.probably the cool breeze did her well.the weather was so was sunny and cool.when mr t was busy fixing stuff, we were hanging out in oma and opa's (lolo and lola/grandma and grandpa) garden.

-baby loving the bath dubai, we would bath her in a baby tub. since we could not take it with us, we bathed her in the big people's tub.she was screaming and kicking happily in the water

-baby using all kinds of transportation - planes, trains, trams, buses

-baby meeting other kids, from babies of her own age to pre-schoolers.she met one baby boy and she laughed at him in a mocking way.we found it so cute.we have never seen her laughing at another baby before.the poor baby boy looked bewildered as why this li'l baby girl was laughing at him.i hope he won't hold a grudge against her!

-a family photo shoot! i always complain that mr t and i don't have lots of photos together.of course, for pinays, we can never have enough of off we went to a professional photographer to get nice family photos done.and they turned out remarkably well!

-sale!sale!sale!i think the entire world is having massive is having its summer sale now, and munich shops were also blasting sale signs all over.arg.arg.we went to nearby villages and they were also on sale.h&m, c&a.i went bonkers on behalf of baby.hehe

-baby listening to t's friends and parents were actually telling him to speak to baby in deutsch.back in dubai, we usually speak with her in english.nanny spoke with her in english, and sometimes in arabic.yep, nanny used to work before with an arabic family and she caught some useful apart from german and english, baby would probably be fluent in arabic and ilonggo as well (nanny is from iloilo and she hangs out with other ilongga nannies as well).funny.

-nanny being with us for a t and i were able to go out at night or hang out with his friends.we would not be able to do this without nanny.

-baby drinking her milk well with little assistance.she was holding on to the bottle really well, and she was trying to put it in her mouth already.

-baby adjusting nicely to different timezones, climate, milk, beds...

-mr t's parents who accommodated us for almost a week.thank god they were able to preserve mr t's baby stuff.all over their house, you would see mr t's stuff when he was little.his drawings, his wooden toys, his books.i wish my parents were able to do this.sadly, our place is prone to typhoon and flooding so i don't really have a lot of my stuff saved and tucked somewhere.

-a high chair!since we were planning to put baby baby on solid food once we are back in dubai, we decided to take with us mr t's high chair when he was a baby! yep, it was nicely preserved, all in its yellow-painted wooden glory.oh i was in high chair heaven.i love it.

sorry for the lack of photos.i will post them soon.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

we're back!

back in sunny, 45 degree dubai, after a cool perfect 25-27 degree weather in munich.

i've been to germany for the sixth time, but i cannot get enough of this beautiful country brimming with history, fairy-tale castles, magical forests, and quaint villages.

stories later...
