well, lemme think...i actually can't think of any! i guess i'm pretty predictable when it comes to my choice of music.
it's almost summer here in dubai,and unlike in the philippines where summer means going to the beach, here it means staying at home or traveling abroad to escape the scorching heat :-(
anyway, to cool myself here are some boracay photos taken in december 2008.mr t and i splurged on a grand stay at friday's.it was one of our best holidays ever.hmm, i think mr t got sick during our stay.nevertheless, we fell in love with the white sands, turquoise sea, warm breeze and of course, the gorgeous sunset!
mr t and i went to geant at ibn battuta mall to get some groceries and also to get some sport shoes for me as i'm planning to go to the gym.yes, you read those words right: sport shoes.gym.don't really tally well with me,huh.do you know that i have never owned any sport shoes in my entire life? i always managed to get by with sneakers for all those p.e. classes.you cannot really make me wear these bulky, sport shoes (and crocs, wedges = not!)until now! so let's see if this planning-to-go-to-the-gym really works.i have to lose this baby belly, no!
mr t made potatoes and fish for dinner.filling!

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