Of course, we could not find it so we went to the information area. Turned out the guy there knew who we were because the car rental guy left mr t's details with him as he was busy with another customer.Hmm…Customer service in this part of the wold.
Yes, mr t likes driving when on trips. He’s the kind who dislikes organized trips and would rather go sightseeing on his own time.
So, we had a nice li’l citroen car with a GPS. We were actually hoping that GPS would be provided for cos you can’t really trust me to navigate using a map.Haha!

And the weather was perfect! Nice and cool, Mediterranean-like.

We then headed to our hotel on Dead Sea. On the way there, we passed by signs pointing to Mt. Nebo. So we said, let’s go there!

Something about Mt. Nebo*
This is where Moses was given a view of the promised land. Moses was buried on this mountain by God, and his final resting place is unknown.

My Catholic school-educated brain went bonkers. I tried to be calm just taking everything in…
When you stand at the top of this mountain, you can see,as Moses did, the vast panorama that encompasses the Jordan River Valley, the Dead Sea, Jericho and Jerusalem.

We went on our way, and then passed by again signs pointing to the Baptism site. Baptism site! My brain went bonkers again. When we arrived there we decided that we could try to go for this site later on the trip. So we went straight to the hotel.

Finally, we arrived at the Jordan Valley Marriott Resort & Spa. Yay. Even the hotel sounds historical! Haha. The room was not yet ready so we decided to just walk around.

The resort has three pools and the views were magnificent.

We found the hotel spa, and I booked myself for a treatment on the next day at 8 p.m. Yay, yay, yay.
We got our room, and changed to our swimsuits.We had the Jordan Valley view with palm trees plus er, the car park.

I liked this mirror

We then walked going to the Dead Sea beach.

I was so excited! It’s the freakin’ Dead Sea, after all.
Something about the Dead Sea*
It’s a salt lake bordering Israel and the West Bank to the west, and Jordan to the east.
Its surface and shores are 422 metres (1,385 ft) below sea level,the lowest elevation on the Earth's surface on dry land. It is 8.6 times more salty than the ocean.This salinity makes for a harsh environment where animals cannot flourish, hence its name.
Ayan na...

Lake pala sha. I thought all this time it was a sea.

Cos of the high salinity, it’s so bouyant so you can float with no effort. A wuss that I am, I tried to float once and that was it while mr t was doing all kinds of poses like “reading” while floating, “tummy time”.
So cute.
I was more interested with its mud. It’s supposed to heal a lot of ailments. So I slathered myself with it. There were jars filled with mud nearby. You also have to wear special slippers to protect your feet.

So we were able to sun-lounge/chill out in the afternoon.

I pretended to write down my thoughts my notebook.

We then went to acacia bar for their happy hour.

We were so lazy to dress up for dinner that we just ordered room service. Also, as certified tv junkies, we could not bear to miss an episode of American Idol. So yes, with a nice Dead Sea breeze outside, we were cocooned in our room watching cutey Casey.

Next...tan tarantan tata tan tata tan...
*from wikipedia
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