christmas was an easy affair.we were like a family of gypsies the whole year round hopping from one place to another that we just wanted to be on our own in our own place and to celebrate our first christmas as well, just us...
to show you that the christmas spirit did dwell in our li'l household:
the climbing santa is from the christmas market in munich! the best christmas market evah!
a gift from oma and opa
also from the german christmas market!
ah eto xmas tree,sa carrefour 'to...hahaha...

may "snow" pa ha?!
we went to the nearby park on the 24th and just chilled...
you can see the burj al arab from the park.just look a li'l closer...
we got bitten by ants.thank god baby was spared from them!
later on, my husband started preparing his cheese fondue!
while i went overboard decorating the table
our first family christmas eve dinner! well, actually baby was already fast asleep.
we went out with friends with babies on christmas day. we went to this italian restaurant (the host was italian) called carluccio's in dubai marina mall.there were three babies in total (all girls!) and they were all kyot! we gave baby this italian breadstick called stuzzichinni and she loved we always make sure we have this on stock.hello, how cosmopolitan is baby? eating italian breadsticks, being fed (sometimes) with chopsticks, loving japanese milk, craving for french yoghurt?
we walked back home and passed by some street entertainers near our place...
although i'm still dreaming of a white christmas, there's just something whimsical about celebrating christmas by the beach with the cool, crisp air and with the sun shining on our faces.we were very thankful, indeed.
on the 31st we got busy with making sure that we had round fruits as per filipino i better make sure that the props are there, noh.
di papatalo germany, syempre...
our neighborhood was advertising this santa house we decided to take baby to catch her first santa.but we waited and waited and waited and all we saw were his elves!
i think they're mixing up their stories.i know this is doc! and he's with snow white, not with santa!
so we went back home without seeing santa.hmph!
we had our new year's ever dinner at home and woke up baby (bad!) to welcome the new year!
we went down to the beach and watched the fireworks from three different hotels - sheraton, westin and of course, the atlantis
our 'hood was brimming with lights
i was so happy greeting the new year with my husband and baby (although baby was in her "whatever" mode). there is just so much to be thankful of these was greeting 2011 by the beach (again). how cool is that? thank you, thank you.
we went to have brunch with r and g the next day (the 1st day of the year!) at planet was supposed to be a nice family place, but it was the most boring place ever with the most boring staff.thank god the company was so much better! haha.r and g gave us wonderful presents that we would cherish forever.
so there you have it, folks.our simple, staycation...brilliant, lively, wonderful, supahhh! thank you, 2010 and hello, 2011.gratefully yours, the t family...
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