since we were still looking for a bookshop that sells english travel guide books, we decided to just take a leisurely walk on the way to shibuya where there are more bookshops.
i think aoyama wants to think of itself as the paris of tokyo.there were so many french cafes dotting the area! we had some muffins in a french cafe after trying to feed baby in the backstreets.
we passed by a farmer's market, and we were amazed (and scared) actually with the appearance of the fruits and vegetables.they were huge! and they looked so fresh and perfect.even when we would go to supermarkets, we would just gaze at the produce 'cos they looked so was actually, er, weird.
look at this huge pechay!
so we finally reached the crazy intersection of shibuya.i was awed.i thought we were in quiapo.harharhar.
we went to starbucks which is centrally located in shibuya and which is the best spot to view this mad crossing.we also dropped by a book shop nearby, but we still could not find the elusive guide books!
i think starbucks and i rekindled our love affair in japan.i've never had so many frapuccinos in one holiday!
so finally, we were able to find these guide books at kinokuniya book store.they have this floor that sells english books and magazines.i found out that prince william had proposed to i also bought a gossip magazine.di papahuli sa chika noh.
we walked around shibuya and dropped by (and shopped) in some interesting shops.i saw h&m and realized that their collaboration with lanvin was still on, and i had to see for myself what the fuss was all about.
ah, ok.
we walked some more and saw this vending machine that dispensed ramen!
and realized we were hungry.we ducked inside the first ever sushi place we saw.
we bought two of these sushi mugs...
it was funny 'cos as soon as my friends saw these photos they recognized the place right away.they also went there for sushi when they were in tokyo! how cool is that?
we took our time just savoring sushi and the green tea with baby sleeping on her pram.we then walked some more, just savoring and taking in all the noise and all the lights.
we just had to pass by the crazy crossing again to look for hachiko, the famous dog (which reminds me, i have to watch that richard gere movie about this loyal dog)
tokyo just the way i imagined it to be...
and of course, mr t was in public transport heaven.he spent a considerable time admiring how the system worked, from foot bridges to metros.
cool things that i learned about tokyo:
1. the japanese are mad about christmas! the christmas decorations around the city were fantabulous!
2. dogs are very much adored over there! the number of dog shops that sell dog costumes, cribs (!), prams (!) outnumber the number of baby shops! there were even times when we were about to enter a shop to look for baby stuff when we realized it was actually a dog/pet shop.we also looked for a calendar featuring tokyo landmarks, but we could not find any, except for ones full of puppy and kitty
3. warm toilet seats! automatic bidets!
4. bathroom mirrors that do not fog!
5. magical taxi doors!
6. baby milk! we bought this milk (we did not know the name as it was in labeled in japanese) from peacock, and baby just loved it!
7. plastic food display!
did i say that tokyo is the coolest city ever?
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