meet sleepy bear.we got him at carrefour (of all places) but guess what, baby adores him! tsk.tsk.she likes gnawing at his hat.
so i went to this (free! yay!) workshop called the "uae cultural awareness." a very energetic, open-minded and smart emirati gave the talk.it was very enlightening and interesting.i have been here for five years, and i realized i still have a lot to learn about the uae.Just to let you know, my three favorite arabic words are: "Alhamdulillah|" (Praise to God) "Masha'Allah" (God has willed it)and "Inshallah" (God willing). "Inshallah" reminds me of our very own "Bahala Na" which can be translated to "God will take care of it." It's nice to learn that their language is very much connected to their religion.
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