Saturday, September 15, 2012

baby's expressions

i'm curious where baby is getting all her favorite expressions now.

just some examples:

oh my god
oh my dear
that's a good idea
(and my favorite) whoopsie daisy

it's just so cute hearing these from her!we are not a british household, and so baby must be getting these expressions from her nursery. or maybe from some of her playmates?

her playgroup is a mini united nations - an italian-filipino girl, two french girls, a canadian girl and a south korean boy. plus a bunch of kids coming from several arab countries like lebanon and syria.

she's already added the arabic slang words "shuhada" (in tagalog, ano ba yan? sorry, i can't find a proper english translation!) and "kalas" (finish) to her vocabulary.

and her deutsch has improved a lot after a month-long holiday in germany with oma and opa.

she still has to catch up with her filipino, though.

we have a linguist in the family, and we could not be any prouder!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

things i'm grateful for: al ain!

this year is a very busy one for my husband, so a staycation in the uae comes as a blessing for us.

it was sort of a pat-in-the-back gift for ourselves as we managed to keep the household sane as nanny went on three-week holiday.

so amidst summer camps, weather in the 40s, sicknesses, work duties, we emerged triumphant!

we got ourselves a good hotel deal, and off we went to al ain, an oasis in the desert.

it was a very-much needed boost.

don't you just love mini-holidays? they make you anticipate of lovelier things to come!